On 2006-02-16, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> __/ [Ramon F Herrera] on Thursday 16 February 2006 16:19 \__
>>>From CN:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> When Bill Gates appeared at a computer security conference in San Jose,
>> California, this week, he greeted his audience with a quip.
>> "I'm really glad to be here," said the Microsoft Corp. chairman. "My
>> other invitation was to go quail hunting with Dick Cheney."
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Hmm, it sounds like Mr. Gates feels "peppered" by many little pellets.
>> We are not talking about a single big bullet that he could dodge with
>> the usual dirty tricks. It's many of those pesky nuisances, all over
>> the place...
>> Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidential?
>> -RFH
> Another intersting choice of words, which I came across this afternoon:
> "The way the license (GPL) is written, if you use any open-source software,
> you have to make the rest of your software open source," Ballmer explained
> to an excessively credulous, un-named Sun-Times reporter who, predictably,
> neglected to question this bold assertion.
It is a lie hidden in a truth.
The GPL by itself can be a dangerous thing. Fortunately, we're
not limited to the GPL and most code that companies would want to exploit
is licenced under the less agressive LGPL.
This is how something like Oracle 10g RAC can exist under Linux
without Oracle giving away all the sourcecode. This enterprise version of
this product nets Oracle a list price of 60K per processor and a 22% annual
support cost.
> It is, of course, a deceiving lie (disinformation).
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/06/02/ballmer_linux_is_a_cancer/
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