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Re: Dabbling with Ubuntu

  • Subject: Re: Dabbling with Ubuntu
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 04:00:47 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <b2mKf.49417$dW3.43825@newssvr21.news.prodigy.com> <1140453241.745930.124890@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Larry Qualig] on Monday 20 February 2006 16:34 \__

> Edwin wrote:
>> I'm dabbling with a live Ubuntu DVD I got in a Linux Magazine.
>> I like it so far.   The Gnome UI is a lot like Windows, except that
>> things are laid out better,and there's more than one desktop.  Sound
>> worked, no problems with my DVI video, and even the 802.11g wireless was
>> recognized and set up.  I connected to both the Web and Usenet, and I
>> would have posted here from Ubuntu yesterday, but the WiFi connection
>> dropped.   It's flaky under Windows too, so I don't fault Ubuntu.
>> I plan to run wire so I can give up WiFi anyway.
> I installed Ubuntu late Saturday night (early Sunday AM). I'm actually
> becoming quite fond of it. Too bad the machine will likely end up in
> the basement as a headless server. I'll probably end up re-installing
> it again today. Reason being that it's installed on a 60-Gig drive and
> I don't remember how old that drive is or where I got it from. I have a
> pair of never-opened 250G Seagate drives that I need to put to use. I
> might reinstall on to those and create a mega-file server.
> The idea is to have my Windows 2003 server automatically backup to my
> Ubuntu machine and have my Ubuntu machine automatically backup itself
> to the Win2003 server. Just need to be sure that the following day I
> don't end up backing up the other machines backups back onto itself.
> I'm also thinking of moving my /home directory on to this machine and
> mounting /home over the network. I have a fast LAN throughout the house
> and the only exception is the laptop which is on a 54-mbps wireless
> connection.

Ubuntu or not Ubuntu (with reference to the GNOME/KDE flames), if you don't
face the workstation so often, it is irrelevant. Just stick to low memory
consumption, a simplistic front end, as well as the 'quick & dirty' setup
process. For backup purposes, here are some bits you might find useful:

On machine to hold backups:

mkdir Backup-`date +%Y-%m-%d`

>From the machine which backs itself up:

nice scp -r ~/* ~/.[0-z]* username@machine:/home/<you>/Backup-`date

Look into cron jobs while you are at it. There is a front end to such
schedulers, if not a diverse collection of front ends.

Here are some rudimentary, unedited, and more lightweight backup scripts,
which you can run every hour, or day, or whatever. Maybe valuable as some
starting point...


    # Backup script for mail, bookmarks, cookies, themes, and feeds
    # Invoked by main cron
    # Roy Schestowitz, March 2005 onwards

    # Define paths


    # Erase old backups (not very safe)

rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/mail.tar.gz

### rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/mail_old.tar.gz

rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/kmailrc.tar.gz
rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/bookmark.tar.gz
rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/bookmarkm.tar.gz
rm /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/thunderbird.tar.gz

    # Compress new backups directly on server.
    # Note: no stack by date

tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/mail.tar.gz $BACKUP_DIRS

### tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/mail_old.tar.gz

tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/kmailrc.tar.gz $BACKUP_FILE
tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/bookmark.tar.gz $BACKUP_BOOK
tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/bookmarkm.tar.gz
tar -cvzf /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/thunderbird.tar.gz

    # uncompressed copy of RSSOwl feeds

cp /home/roy/.rssowl/user.xml /home/server2/transfer/roy/mailbackup/

### END ###

Never lose any data again. Not even due to a faulty drive.

Hope it helps,


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