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Re: (News) Googlebot Stops Lynxing, Starts Using Mozilla

__/ [ John Bokma ] on Thursday 23 February 2006 18:06 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> http://www.adsensebits.com/node/24
>> Google will no longer view our sites as textual fragments, but rather
>> render the pages and interpret them in a richer context (including JS
>> and CSS).
> Yeah, author is doing a lot of wild guessing based on what files are
> fetched.
> render pages - doubtfull, unless for providing thumbnails
> checking spam hiding - maybe, although CSS is complex enough to make this
>     hard, or very hard.
> bypassing some stupid checks - yes, some block everything that doesn't say
>                                Mozilla.

Interesting that you mention all of this as I probably wasn't critical
enough. I had posted this to the group before I had the chance to read
rather than skimp.


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