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Re: My New Year Resolution

On 2006-01-01, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> __/ [Sinister Midget] on Sunday 01 January 2006 01:56 \__
>> I'm going to _try_ to say something nice, or not harsh, at least once
>> per day (or on the days I post anything) about the company, the crooks
>> running it or the software from the crooked people at Redmond.
>> Starting now (though it's still 2005 here):
>>    At least they haven't fucked up linux yet.
> I truly wish that was true.
> http://www.schestowitz.com/Amusement/images/microsoft-linux.jpg

Well, I think it was true at the time I thought it up. But I can see
this is going to be tougher than I imagined. Still, it's a resolution,
and I intend to abide by it to the best of my ability.*

New day, new semi-nice stance for the fulfillment of the resolution:

   There are no reported cases of His Billness pushing old people
   out of rolling limos. Yet. That I know about.

* Or, at least as long as all of my past resolutions which were broken
within the first 10 days of the year.

Using Outlook Express is the equivalent of putting on spike heels,
fishnets, and a bustier, walking down to the corner of Virus St and
Trojan Ave, and shouting "Hello, Sailor!".

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