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Re: WLAN problems

  • Subject: Re: WLAN problems
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:53:20 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.suse
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <dqe2ik$pj2$01$3@news.t-online.com> <42vm6eF1kh8mnU1@news.dfncis.de>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Georg Schmidt] on Sunday 15 January 2006 17:59 \__

> Hello All,
> I don't seem to have any luck with Linux. I finally got a AVM Fritz!Wlan
> USB Stick working with ndiswrapper and WPA-PSK. Well, working is not
> really the right expression. I can access the internet for about 30min
> (rough estimate) and then suddenly the connection breaks down (it does
> that regularly).

It sounds as though a process dies due to some command which gets sent and
cannot be interpreted properly by the driver. My guess would be that you
need to re-run the process to resolve the issue until the next crash. Have a
look at the log files to see what is happening and be aware of the culprit.

> It is still connected to the router, has an IP-address
> and so on. However, it seems it cannot find the name server anymore
> (KINTERNET: "name server: waiting for reply"). In /etc/resolv.conf there
> is still the correct address though. I should add that I use DHCP.

What happens if you set up your addresses statically? Maybe communication
with the DHCP server triggers an issue. Try to set up your DNS servers
manually. Maybe they get de-allocated or re-assigned, depending on the
nature of the network you are connecting to.

> The output of ifconfig and iwconfig shows no difference before and after
> the "connection breakdown".

They tend to preserve the last known configuration, I think. Even if the
connection is not there, the fields will not remain void based on what I
know from Windows.

__/ [Sven Burmeister] on Sunday 15 January 2006 19:32 \__

> You could have a look at the logs, e.g. CTRL+ALT+F10 to see the last
> entries of /var/log/warn. You get back by pressing ALT+F7.
> Or you use Yast > Others > System-protocols

I was going to say "Make it CTRL+ALT+F7, just to ensure you don't get
'jammed'". I never knew that just ALT was enough to return to tty7.

>> I would be grateful for any help. So far LINUX has been nothing but
>> trouble.
> You mean the hardware supplier who is not willing to supply a proper
> Linux-driver for the hardware you bought? I wonder if you could make the
> stick work without a supplied driver using any other OS. So as you will
> notice, it is not LINUX that is responsible for the lack of drivers and the
> resulting trouble, but the hardware manufacturer. You should complain that
> you did not get proper drivers for your OS, although you paid the same
> price for the stick as the owner of another OS. That's the real trouble.

Excellent point, clearly made. There are lists on-line which indicate which
hardware is Linux-friendly. There is no good excuse.

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