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Re: Rex Ballard: I advised Yahoo, Amazon and Lycos how to "take it to the next level"

  • Subject: Re: Rex Ballard: I advised Yahoo, Amazon and Lycos how to "take it to the next level"
  • From: Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2006 12:36:29 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Road Runner High Speed Online http://www.rr.com
  • References: <gQ%pg.81891$qd2.78729@bignews6.bellsouth.net> <2384125.LZ5KSfH71p@schestowitz.com> <pan.2006.>
  • Reply-to: stutter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1125116
On 2006-07-03, Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 05:49:17 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Some troll ] on Monday 03 July 2006 04:06 \__
>> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.linux.advocacy/browse_thread/thread/662a330d0399f5e4/0f5b76503b9a2885?lnk=st&q=%22Yahoo%2C+Amazon%2C+and+Lycos%22+group%3Acomp.os.linux.advocacy+author%3ARex+author%3ABallard&rnum=1&hl=en#0f5b76503b9a2885
>>> "Now imagine you are one of 200 or even 2000 or even 8000 people
>>> observing this conversation - being conducted between this consultant
>>> and a handful of questioners who are asking very pointed and specific
>>> questions.
>>> Now, suppose that 100 or 200 of those "lurkers" started posting their
>>> results, and started asking questions as to how to take it to the next
>>> level?  They have really funny names like Yahoo, Amazon, and Lycos.  At
>>> first, these are unheard of names, but before long, they became huge
>>> names."
>> Well done, Mr. Ballard. While someone attempts to discredit you, this
>> probably has the very opposite effect.
> The problem being, most of what Rex claims *is* probably exaggerated or
> untrue. I say 'probably' because I don't know for certain.
> I don't agree with the unpleasant manner DFS uses when he attempts to
> refute Rex's claims, nor the way he slanders him, but surely it's fairly
> obvious Rex is out to lunch. It is highly improbably (though not actually
> impossible) that he has done everything he says he has without it ever
> showing up anywhere.
> If what Rex says is allowed to pass without comment,  while anything Erik
> F (and others) says is attacked and they're expected to prove everything
> he claims to the last detail, the moral high ground is lost. MIsinfrmation
> should be corrected no matter which 'side' it arises from.

There are some differences:

1. Ewik demands proof from others, and never offers anything to support
his own claims. Erik runs away and hides every time he's asked. Rex has
never, that I've seen, demanded proof of anything from anyone. And he's
been known to go on to provide what he thinks is support for his
position, whether the person he's responding to believes it's
sufficient or not.

2. Erika tends to spout a lot as though he's an authority, then later
backtracks and says it was only an opinion, usually after being
cornered in his attempt to pretend he knows something. Rex mostly
claims he was "there" or he "said" or "wrote" something. And he often
admits there's no evidence to back him up, leaving the decision to take
what he says at face value or not to the reader. He often tries to
provide some sort of support, some of whihc is of dubious value.

3. People /do/ and /have/ called Rex on things he said that they didn't
buy. Not just the DooF or Erik, but several people who fall into the
other camp. The only claims about nobody calling Rex on things are
almost exclusively made by the trolls.

4. You don't see people deliberately trying to smear Erik, Bilge, tab,
DooFu$ or any of the others (except when it's another troll doing it,
like KKK-Grrrrrrrrrrrl). But you see some of the same ones mentioned
right there, and more, working to smear Rex (and Roy, and Roy, and me,
and you previously, and Chris, and Rick and just about everybody else
on the linux side of things from time to time).

My other computer is your Windows box.

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