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Re: [News] Security Suggests Ditching Windows

__/ [ Jim ] on Wednesday 05 July 2006 16:03 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> BBC: Security suggests switch to Macs
>> (Note: the same arguments that apply to one _commercial_ BSD/Darwin-based
>> O/S (POSIX-compatible) are equally adequate for GNU/Linux)
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Security threats to PCs with Microsoft Windows have increased so much
>> | that computer users should consider using a Mac, says a leading
>> | security firm.
>> | 
>> | Sophos security said that the 10 most commonly found pieces of
>> | malicious software all targeted Windows machines.
>> `----
>>                 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/5150508.stm
> and not one mention of Linux as an alternative to forking out for more
> hardware... :(

Precisely. Want security? Don't buy a Mac. Just convert your personal machine
using one of the many Linux distributions that will suit your needs best
(rather than the 'one size fits all' paradigm).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate (Medical Biophysics)
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