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Re: [News] Novell Releases Goldmaster Candidate of Linux Enterprise Server 10

__/ [ Wad ] on Saturday 08 July 2006 00:37 \__

> On Fri, 07 Jul 2006 17:57:36 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
>>That's easier for the investor to say. In three years of almost exclusive
>>use of SuSE/SUSE I have only consumed their bandwidth, but never had the
>>opportunity to pay (unless our IT department's purchase counts). My only
>>return to Novell was probably voluntary support in the newsgroups, mailing
>>lists and via Web sites.
>>Linux is a long-term investment. Just needs a free sample, which by all
>>means does *not* lock users to a vendor. Best offer/product wins, so the
>>competition is healthy & genuine. SLED will be strong inthe business world,
>>among Novell's existing partners. Ubuntu continues to thrive among home
> So what does this mean for the home user? Will SLED be an unaccepatble
> platform for home users? What will be the difference between SLED 10
> and SUSE 10? I like SUSE 10.1 a lot, but might trade it in for the
> stability of SLED 10.

That's quite an important question that got me thinking in the past. It would
probably be better to ask this question in alt.os.linux.suse (search the
archives in Google Groups and do a general search to reach discussions and
OpenSuSE Wiki/s) or even the mailing lists. Novell is in some sense forking
the front ends of GNOME, while feeding on the flow of up-to-date GNOME
codebase (other distributors do that too).

My understanding is that SLED improves usability and contains different
packages which better address the needs of enterprise customers of Novell.
They may also assume that the user never used Linux before, so different
prior habits are assumed (see the XP-esqe menu). The GNOME look-and-feel is
rather different in SLED and enabling of XGL, for example, involves just a
few clicks. Then there's the different menu layouts, settings panel, etc. It
might propagate onto the GNOME version of SUSE 10.2 (alpha just made
available), but I can't say for sure. What I can tell for sure is that
despite my affinity toward KDE, Novell has made GNOME look very appealing.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux + tax = Mac OS = (Windows - functionality)
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