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Re: What Hinders Linux Adoption

In article <1227087.eiLmSWYCV8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Microsoft has conceded and dropped its initiative to port applications to
> Mac OS. Apparently, Apple has become too strong a threat. IE5 and Media
> Player have not been a continued initiative, to name just two prominent
> examples.

Let's see if I understand your theory.  Apple is now seen as a threat to
Microsoft, so, in response, Microsoft stops Mac development on IE (a browser
that almost no one used on the Mac, it having long ago been surpassed by
Safari), and they stop working on Media Player (instead offering this
third-party solution:


for free, which is much better than Media Player, because it integrates
Windows Media in with Quicktime).  The first of these was greeted by most
Mac users with a "...there was IE for my Mac?  I'd forgotten about that!".
The second was greated with "Oh wow!  This is great!  This is how we always
wished it worked!"?

I don't see how this is going to counter the Mac threat to MS.  No one was
buying Macs instead of Windows to get IE, and same goes for Media Player.

Meanwhile, they continue with Office, which is the only one of their Mac
products whose cancellation would actually have an effect.  There would be
some people moving from Mac to Windows if Office went away.

There seem to be some problems with your theory... :-)

--Tim Smith

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