After takin' a swig o' grog, NoNamer belched out this bit o' wisdom:
> At least OpenOffice has the word 'Office' in it which connotes
> something about doing business unlike the rest of Linux' apps. names
> such as Gimp - I mean, what a stupid effin name. Who the hell wants to
> use an app. named "Gimp"? It's not only stupid, it's very unintuitive
> as well as to what it does.
GIMP is an acronym, dude.
> Just look at ATI for a good example, or Creative. Look at the poor
> printing with CUPS, or the very poor mobile syncing issues, the list
> goes on and on and on.
Poor printing with CUPS? Nonsense.
> Yes, Linux has gotten a LOT better in this area, but it still has a
> LONG ways to go.
If Linux has a long way to go, then so does Windows, man.
Anyway, you seem like a lamer, NoNamer.
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.