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Re: [News] Open Source Adoption Will Come from Governments

__/ [ Jim ] on Tuesday 18 July 2006 14:17 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ B Gruff ] on Tuesday 18 July 2006 09:59 \__
>>> On Tuesday 18 July 2006 03:55 Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Open Source Software Will Grow Fastest in Government Sector Says Report
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | "This is the same kind of aggressive growth that we saw in the early
>>>> | days of Linux," adds McCarthy. "There is reason to believe that this
>>>> | growth will continue past 2010, making both traditional and government
>>>> | coordinated open source projects a force to be reckoned with in the
>>>> | next decade. Government agencies are now developing their own open
>>>> | code repositories, and also working with system integrators to develop
>>>> | new government-specific open source solutions."
>>>> `----
>>>>         http://www.linuxelectrons.com/article.php/20060717114508775
>>> Oh indeedy.  I keep saying the same - government and government agencies,
>>> including education.
>>> As Mark will understand, "...as I said at the Brighton conference...."!
>> Interesting point. A thought that just cropped to my mind: governments and
>> businesses employ people and people can take their software home (their
>> turf, their 'playground'). This rarely works the other way around though.
>> A person whose home O/S is Linux might not be able to bring it to work and
>> work fully isolated from IT's prescribed preferences.
> Why not? I do. It's very, very rare that I even see a MS-Windows box now.
> And I'm bloody happy at that.

Same  here,  but  ask  some regulars in  this  group,  whose
employer has installed some CMS with ActiveX pre-requisites.
Sure,  one  can  emulate IE, but it's far from  ideal.  Then
comes  the  issue of specialised applications that are  only
available  for  Windows (again, emulation is not  the  ideal
route).  I  think  I touched a Windows machine for  about  5
minutes  in the past 3 months. I washed and rinsed  (twice!)
afterwards.  I  could  still feel that itch...  bugs,  virii
(sic)...  most of these 5 minutes involved shutting balloons
and telling Windows update to sod off. I just needed to copy
one file to my card reader.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: just set it and forget about it
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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