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[News] Unisys, Services, and the Linux Desktop Environments Debate

Open source's biggest services gun?

,----[ Quote ]
| To be successful in services (and software), you must pick your battles.
| Or, in open source terms, you must pick your packages/projects. You can't
| be all things to all people. I know, because I tried once. When at Novell,
| we struggled with the decision to support KDE or GNOME, and ended up
| straddling both (unsuccessfully, in my opinion). It burned development
| cycles, caused wasteful internal debate, and confused customers.
| Ultimately, GNOME won out by executive fiat. It should have happened
| much sooner, as at Red Hat.
| So, you need to figure out how to be a few significant things to a
| decent swath of the buying population. That's where the money is, and
| Unisys is going about open source services in an optimal way. 


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