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Re: Class Action Over Faulty Software Product

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006 05:39:02 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>__/ [ Colin Wilson ] on Sunday 16 July 2006 13:25 \__
>>> I would appreciate your advice/help.
>> Educate the users of these systems on installing a firewall and AV
>> software, and how to scan - without being duped by one of the many
>> "fake" scanners.
>> You can see my attempt here: http://www.coreutilities.co.uk
>I was advised to add the following argument.
>" point which appears to have been
>missed from beginning to end in that discussion is that Microsoft
>Windows has /never/ been fit for purpose, so they absolutely should be
>held responsible. 

What a ludicrous statement.

If it was never fit for purpose, then you can bet that many of the
very large companies who have thousands of computers running it would
have taken action.

Given that 90% plus of ALL the companies in the world who use personal
computers at all will be using various versions of Windows very
successfully, I think one has to accept that it is fit for purpose.

> The suggestion that just fitting firewalls and av
>will make it all okay is so naive as to be bordering on beyond belief."

Well yes, you do have to know how to use them, and keep them up to

>I am inclined to agree. Third-party solutions (Microsoft even /sells/ one now
>-- OneCare) should not be charged for if all they do is fix an
>already-broken product.

But that isn't what it does.

> It's as simple as that.

I wish you luck, Mr Quixote :-)
Alex Heney, Global Villager
Oxymoron: Rap Music.
To reply by email, my address is alexATheneyDOTplusDOTcom

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