Ginsu Warrior wrote:
> Ian Hilliard wrote:
>> Ginsu Warrior wrote:
>> >> | The OpenBSD Project develops software for the OpenBSD operating
>> >> | system, which runs in every federal agency and on every Linux- and
>> >> | Unix-based computer worldwide. The group also develops OpenSSH, the
>> >> | most common application for encrypting Internet traffic.
>> >> |
>> >> | OpenBSD Project developers want about $100,000 a year so they can
>> >> | focus on the software without worrying about money, said Theo de
>> >> | Raadt, the group's leader. He estimates that the project has saved
>> >> | software companies as much as $1 billion in development costs.
>> >> `----
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > Talk about Bait and Switch method to screw over users.
>> >
>> > --"A move to closed source is part of the business plan for some
>> > open-source companies, Cox said. Companies and developers can issue a
>> > rough version of the software in open source, he said. Once the
>> > software becomes prominent, the originators can make it closed source
>> > and provide extra features at a cost."--
>> >
>> OpenBSD is not GPLed. As such he can do that. The GPL would have stopped
>> him from even raising the spectre.
>> Ian
> That is nice for OpenBSD but real issue and question is the W-H-Y they
> need to do this. They must do this in order to have money to pay
> people. Article even say that only money they have is from few
> donations and from selling T-shirts. Nobody wants to pay for support
> and they have no money to pay salary. This is very big problem. Nobody
> will work for free, will you work for free?
The answer is simple. OpenBSD is a dieing project. It is rock solid, but it
isn't going anywhere. Apart from a few sub-projects like OpenSSH there
really hasn't been much development. Things like multimedia support is poor
to just about non-existent.
One of my team is a died-in-the-wool OpenBSD fan, but even he is now
contemplating making the switch to Linux.
My guess is that there is hope to get some money so the last few die-hards
can keep OpenBSD going. I suspect that if he keeps on going as he is the
industry will do an XFree86 on him.