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Re: [News] Linux Server Easier to Install Than Windows

begin  oe_protect.scr 
alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in 
> news:7761349.2ZaH9CQPcp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> Review: Novell's SUSE Puts Enterprise Linux On Easy Street 
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 10 finally cuts Windows Server's 
>>| ease-of-installation advantage out of the picture. 
>> `----
>> http://www.linuxpipeline.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=190400098
> I didn't think Windows Server was terribly "easy" to set up in the first 
> place. All those dialog boxes and windows you have to click through....
> *nix/BSD's text config files are so much easier. All one needs is some sort 
> of text editor.

The "ease of installation" of windows has always been hugely overhyped,
but over the last few years, it's been the /only/ thing which MS have
had any realistic chance of claiming, as it's virtually impossible to
prove.  All the things which could've been proven have mainly fallen on
the free software side, so you're left with the subjective stuff only.

In my experience, linux has been much easier to install than windows
more or less forever;  what it didn't have, though, were "wizards" to
guide a trainee admin through setup of standard things, instead, linux
had howtos which you had to read.  The result of the howto approach was
that the setup was kept in nice little text files in /etc, and the howto
remains readable, and contains other useful info.  To those trainee
admins brought up on wizards, or unable to drive vi or emacs, it
might've seemed quite tough, though.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
Why do seagulls live near the sea?  'Cause if they lived near the bay,
they'd be called baygulls.

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