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Re: [News] OSS Legel Expert Approves ODF (not PDF!!), Says it is Free from Legal Encumbrances

__/ [ ws ] on Friday 14 July 2006 11:07 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Open Source Legal Expert Gives ODF Patent Thumbs-Up
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Open source legal expert Eben Moglen's Software Freedom Law Center has
>> | given the OpenDocument Format its stamp of approval, declaring the
>> | office productivity format free from legal encumbrances.
>> `----
> Whoa Ray, you've got a very nasty typo in the subject line there,
> although O and P are just next to each other on the keyboard,  PDF and
> ODF are worlds apart!

Oops. I was sloppy. Also said "legel" instead of "legal". I promise to be
more careful in the future. ODF is both Open and Portable (Document Format).

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