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[Op/Ed] Linux to Trump Windows

So get your tu-tu on (trumpet). The English in this essay is weak, but the
message is clear.

Linux or Windows?

,----[ Conclusion ]
| Is Microsoft finally about to face real competition in desktop-computer
| software? The next version of Windows, the one that will replace XP, is
| not going to be delivered for a long time, opening up a window of
| opportunity for Linux. In addition, the upcoming version of Windows is
| likely to be expensive and require new hardware, two other areas where
| Linux competes well. It may also involve too many changes. By the time
| it's delivered, more and more Linux distributions will look more
| like Windows.
| We predict a bright future for Linux. His main points are: it's free,
| the applications are getting more mainstream, Open Office is a
| quality product, the GUI is pretty much like Windows, it's high
| quality, and resistant to the thousands of Windows viruses and worms.
| That's why we choose Linux.


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