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Re: Rex Ballard: Sun Microsystems has been notified...

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 18:42:12 +0000, yttrx wrote:

> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Roy does NOTHING.  His posts are NOISE.  Worthless in total.
>> Hardly. They contain Linux news. Now, I don't pretend all that stuff is
>> high-grade gold, but I'm not about to condemn him for attempting to
>> advocate Linux. Why should I?
> BECAUSE IT'S NOISE.  Its a feed that is available elsewhere, in many
> places.  It's usenet pollution.  It's flooding.  It's inane.  It's not
> necessary.  It's moronic that he does it at all.

Perhaps you should ask *why* he does it. There is a reason. I may not
totally agree with it, but I'm not going to shit on the bloke for doing
> Look, I know you're the kind of person who'd just smile and laugh if a
> retarded cousin threw up on you at a picnic after smacking you in the
> face with a handful of raw ground beef--because hes attempting to help
> you prepare the food--but come on man.  The line must be drawn
> somewhere.

Yet types like flatfish, who spend their time insulting, lying, and
attacking advocates, can spew crap all day, is that it? Wintrolls can drag
filth in here from aowxp, and that's okay? I don't get it.

The only ones complaining aobut Roy's posts (virtually) are trolls and
assorted wankers. Surely that tells you something.

>> And how do you reckon Roy's posts contain nothing while flatty's are
>> worth something? Mind you, I'll grant he is capable of sensible content
>> now and then, but mostly it's just insults and insinuations and
>> accusations without proof - such as the one I was complaining about.
> "signal" and "sensible" are different things, and are often mutually
> exclusive to most readers.  Signal is a differentiation from backround
> bullshit.  Even if its dumb and full of insults, it's still signal.

Got to say, I disagree. Rubbish is rubbish. It adds nothing. It causes
trouble. Why should Roy stop when the trolls don't?


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