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Re: Starter Score File for COLA

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:58:25 -0400, Black Dragon wrote:

> Tim Smith wrote:
>> In article <1542620.MsGEUsE5r7@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> BoxTrapper
>> Isn't that rather risky?  (I don't want to go into more detail because I
>> don't want to give anyone who dislikes you ideas).
> Challenge response systems have been proven time and again to be a very
> very bad idea. It's not surprising to see Roy using one since he has
> repeatedly proven himself to be very naive about the ways of the
> Internet.

Schestowitz while he fancies himself as some kind of King of Cola, sort of
an "old king COLA" in fact, he appears to be more of a Court Jester.

> What are the results of two challenge response systems challenging each
> other besides the obvious loop of bot generated spam?

That sounds like our boy Roy!

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