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Schestowitz problem solved -- mha

  • Subject: Schestowitz problem solved -- mha
  • From: "Martha Adams" <mhada@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 05:06:07 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1131151
The Schestowitz problem is basically, that spinning off posts like
a July 4 pinwheel, Schestowitz must be incredibly active and
productive; or, he's not accomplishing so much after all because
his posts are shallow, trivial, and repeat information available
in better form elsewhere.  Obviously, for Schestowitz, the
second option is the one in effect.  The remedy is simple and
while I believe almost anybody here can do it easily, I'll
outline it anyway.  I'm working presently in Microsoft Outlook

Click on Tools at the top of the window; choose Message
Rules, choose Block Senders List.  Probably it will be empty.
Now add 'newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', into the window
there.  Schestowitz isn't sending me any emails, so I chose
the option, 'News Messages.'

And Lo!  No more Schestowitz in my COLA posts.  *Big*
improvement.  Cheers -- Martha Adams

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