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Re: [News] MSFT Alert - Jump Ship

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Wednesday 07 June 2006 16:52 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> I would not necessarily count on them; not long-term anyway. I think they
>> are late to the party. IT departments will sooner or later realise that
>> they are skilled *nix engineers out there, who can set up servers with
>> Debian and manage them without third-parties in suits.
> Yes, but that's a very genericized very of the industry.   And there are
> no true generics in business.
> Witness: Google.   There were plenty of search engines before Google,
> and plenty after, yet their market share climbs.
> Novell is doing more than just "Linux" although that is their core
> strategy.   I think they and RedHat fit the niches of traditional
> business data processing better than most.

I have been using SuSE for almost 3 years and Red Hat/Fedora for almost 6. I
have never paid Novell and Red Hat a penny, so I think this should provide a
clue. A certain reality that such companies are yet to face is availability
of expert outside their own circle -- people with full access to code and

Linux will prosper. This does not /necessarily/ mean that giant Linux firms
and backer will prosper along with it. Linux is a community-driven
initiative, so the big winner will be the public. And no... I never paid for
any software. But I contributed a lot in return, which is more rewarding to
self, as well as others... some say that Linux is Love, but I suppose it's
all about reciprocity. And what goes around, comes around.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux + tax = Mac OS = (Windows - functionality)
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