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Re: Linux will truly have arrived when...

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Kier ] on Thursday 08 June 2006 11:49 \__
>> On Thu, 08 Jun 2006 09:36:27 +0000, spike1 wrote:
>>> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>>>>> True. Been mentioned before *smile*. It's very dependent upon the
>>>>> person though. I suppose that with the money saved on magazines over
>>>>> the years, a PDA could be bought which displays PDF (starts at about
>>>>> GBP 100).
>>>> No doubt, but I wouldn't take anything that valuable to work with me,
>>>> and reading a small screen is far less comfortable than spreading a
>>>> magazine out on a table.
>>> Even reading a large screen is less... comfortable than holding a book
>>> or magazine. I don't know why, the ease of changing pages, flicking
>>> between them, holding a page so you can compare two things on different
>>> pages...
>> I know exactly what you mean.
> What about this?
> http://www.overclockersclub.com/?read=2136713
> This are very cheap to manufacture (once they reach mass production) and a
> single electronic book as such will be all that you need to have
> customised. It's like a chameleon book...
>>> The general.... tactility of it. Until they come up with a paper thin
>>> foldable display medium that looks slightly book-like, They'll never
>>> replace printed text. (IMO)
>> I agree with you. There seems to be no sign of books and magazines
>> becoming obsolete, certainly not for a long time to come. E-books, etc,
>> have their place, of course, but alongside conventional ones, rather than
>> supplanting them.
> Yes, definitely. I am not anti-paper; I only wish to say that there is
> /another/ way, which is satisfiable.
> Best wishes,
> Roy

I don't know about the paper, but the overclockers club needs some web page
creating lessons. The text in the boxes doesn't wrap, it just carries on
under the border.

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