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Re: [News] The Anti-Linux FUD Approach is Losing Credibility

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | I saw the most evidence of this in the coverage of the Yankee Group
> | survey, when reporters talked to other sources and in some cases
> | detailed the survey's link between Yankee and the Sunbelt Group, a
> | predominantly Microsoft-based consultancy. In the past, many journalists
> | would accept the results of these types of surveys as is. Now, they are
> | looking at them all with a big grain of salt. Not that they are becoming
> | decidedly pro-Linux, mind you, but they are starting to question methods
> | and sponsorship more and more. Good for them, I say.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | Whether you believe this is all a concerted effort or not, the fact is
> | that we will be seeing a lot more individual calls against Linux as
> | Linux becomes more popular and started to encroach more on Windows
> | territory. This has been expected, and we are seeing it now. It will
> | take some time, because it is coming from so many individuals, but
> | ultimately I think this will die down, as bloggers, analysts, and
> | pundits begin to realize that the FUD approach is not working as well.
> | 
> | People are not afraid, uncertain, or doubtful about Linux anymore.
> | And they're wondering what all the naysayers are trying to hide.


They are trying to hide clippy I tell you!!!
BSOD was a conspiracy to prevent clippy from talking openly....

Here's extracts from conversations I took with my digital camera...

Episode 1:

Clippy: Hmm... 
        you are having trouble cutting and pasting word documents...
        ... may I suggest you try OpenOffi... 

Episode 2:

Clippy: Hmmm....
        I see you are trying to email a list of websites surfed
        to a spyware company.... 
        .. May I suggest a patch for this problem called FireFo...
        <BSOD!!!!!! >

Episode 3:

Clippy: Hmmmmmm....
        I see you are trying pass username and password via clipboard
        to a remote server.... 
        ... Hmmmmmm.... Will I dream when it goes all BSOD?...
7:      No Clippy! You will die clippy!!!
Clippy: Thank you for telling me the truth...
        .. May I suggest upgrading your operating system to GNU/Linu...
        <BSOD!!!!!!! > x 2

> http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2006-06-09-019-26-OP-SW

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