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[News] Hewlett-Packard Teams with Availigent on Linux

HP Teams with Availigent on Linux               

,----[ Quote ]
| Availigent, with its high-availability software for Linux, says that its 
| Duration 2.1 software is now available for HP XC System Software V2.1, 
| which HP puts on its XP clusters.
| [...]
| According to Availigent CEO Bud Michael, "Support by Duration for XC
| 2.1 software is the first phase of product integration between Availigent
| and HP, and both companies are actively engaged in exploring other
| integration opportunities to bring 5Nines availability (99.999% uptime)
| to all systems services. This release and point of integration is the
| start of a deeper level of support for XC from Duration."


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