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Re: [News] The World is Changing for Information Officers

On Fri, 16 Jun 2006 02:04:34 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

>| Microsoft Corp. has just made such an error by announcing that its
>| pending Vista OS will allow system administrators to block users from
>| copying data onto USB (Universal Serial Bus) memory sticks, Gantz said.
>| While memory sticks do represent a security threat to networks, they
>| are already an indispensable part of doing business today. Microsoft
>| has reacted too slowly, and could see a backlash from users, he said.
> `----
>                         http://www.itworld.com/Man/060615techchange/

I suppose Microsoft also made an error by requiring passwords to log on,
and implementing filesystem security.  

The fact is, if you're in a secure envorinment, you don't want people to be
able to plug in a memory stick and slurp up your sensitive information.  If
certain employees need that right, they can be granted it.  This should be
up to the IT policy.

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