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Re: The Effect of AdSense on Google

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 03:00:30 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>Is Adsense Killing Google?
>,----[ Snippet ]
>| Last Friday, the Motley Fool had an interesting article that's getting
>| some discussion about how Google is killing the internet. The argument
>| is basically that Google killed its own golden goose of Adwords, with its
>| introduction of Adsense contextual advertising for other sites. Once that
>| began, so began a huge (and ever growing) industry of creating totally
>| bogus sites whose only purpose is to run Adsense ads and collect money.
>| Because of this, the author feels, the internet has become so cluttered
>| with crap, that basic things like search are no longer particularly
>| useful.
>                http://techdirt.com/articles/20060612/0313219.shtml

If it did, it wouldn't matter from an SEO POV. The traffic would
eventually have to go somewhere that deployed a sensible algo. That
should be an amenable situation for any competent SEO.



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