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Re: WGA to Evolve Into Rootkit?

__/ [ shanejoel ] on Friday 30 June 2006 02:20 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Will Windows Genuine Advantage Become Microsoft's Rootkit?
>>         http://techdirt.com/articles/20060629/1635234.shtml
> If there was ever a time to try linux, it would be now. Are you going
> to tell me that when microshaft shuts down the 'pirates' there will be
> no mistakes? <sarcasm>Im absolutely confident that microshaft will not
> touch any legal copies.</sarcasm> Im gonna grab some popcorn and have a
> good laugh over this clusterfuck. 

Thanks, Shane. I actually saw an almost identical article (or /theme/ rather)
in Slashdot last night:


It points to a ZDNet blog, as well as to a method of shutting down WGA and
blocking its arrival, which sooner or later will probably be forced.

To quote:

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a Microsoft technician, 'in the fall, having the latest
| WGA will become mandatory and if its not installed, Windows will give a
| 30 day warning and when the 30 days is up and WGA isn't installed,
| Windows will stop working, so you might as well install WGA now.'

Sounds suicidal to me. Microsoft still relies on piracy for its prevalence in
the software world and, in contrast to common belief, piracy actually
increases Microsoft's earnings.

To take 'off the shelf' a couple of links:

How Piracy Helps Microsoft Make Billions

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft estimates it lost $14 billion last year to software piracy.
| The loss may prove to be the most profitable sales never made.
| Although the world's largest software producer spends millions every year
| to combat illegal reproduction of its products, piracy helps the company
| to establish itself in emerging markets and fend off threats from
| free open-source programs. (Source: LAtimes.com)


How Piracy Opens Doors for Windows

,----[ Summary ]
| Bill Gates may not be entirely dismayed by software thieves. They
| seed the world market and make Microsoft a standard. 


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Bring home the world cup, England!
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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