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Re: it's all gone quiet over there!!!

__/ [ kevin bailey ] on Wednesday 28 June 2006 21:34 \__

> was going to post on the comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy NG but it looks fairly
> lifeless.
> thought i'd wind them up about how crap windows is to see if one of the
> paid MS astrofurfers would find an answer i need but not sure it would be
> worth it.
> let's see if any MS guys are here instead....
> windows is crap! - a normal user can't run defrag - and as we don't allow
> users to run as admins they can't defrag their own machines the PC's will
> slow up and fail soon.

The trouble does *not* end at defrag.txt/scandisk.exe. There are plenty more
maintenance chores beyond this, some of which require third-party
applications. There are on-line HOWTO's and lists of programs which 'fix'
Windows. However, most rookie users will never bother to read and learn
these. They will just have someone from a younger generation come over
periodically and 'optimise' Windows, or mend it.

> we actually used to run defrag.exe successfully from netlogon.bat as users
> logged in from win98 machines to a samba server.  but with XP the
> permissions are too restrictive for normal users.
> what i don't want to do is to set up something on all the dozens of PC's.
> just a command which will run in netlogon.bat to start defragging the
> drives.
> suppose schtask could be used - possibly two lines
> schtask to remove any tasks - have to check no useful tasks exist.
> then a schtask line to create a task to run everytime the user starts the
> PC (or logs in).
> that way when users are logging in and out they do not end up with several
> tasks which are all trying to run defrag at startup.
> doesn't feel very elegant nut it's the best I can find currently.
> kev

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