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[News] OSWeekly: Windows Vista is the Beginning of the End

The Windows Vista Challenge for Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Lately, I have been asking myself one question over and again: Is this
| the end of Microsoft? This burning question came to pass after speaking
| with a couple different corporate executives. I can safely say the
| overall consensus is that Windows Vista is too little, too late.
| It seems that with Bill Gates stepping down from day-to-day operations
| and Microsoft evangelist Robert Scoble moving on completely, it does
| certainly feel like the beginning of the end. Think I am wrong? Try
| this: Go to YouTube.com, then do a search for "Windows Vista: First
| of a Kind Features." Watch this video and then explain to me where
| Microsoft did any sort of innovation whatsoever. Seriously, this is
| Bill Gates' voice with a demo of the Mac OS being shown in parody.
| It's pretty sad...


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