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Re: How to uninstall the Linux?

__/ [ Manis ] on Sunday 25 June 2006 09:15 \__

> Hai friendz...
>      Im a beginner of Linux OS. My friend installed me the linux os in
> my sys. now he is not with me and I know how to install and uninstall
> the win os. But i don't know how to do for the Linux OS. so please tell
> me how to install the linux in text & graphical mode and tell the
> uninstallation also.. It will really help me lot...

Hi Manis,

It   would  have  been  helpful  if  you  said  what   Linux
distributions  you are using (the headers only tell me  that
posted  from  some version of Windows). There are  different
package   managers   in   Linux   (yum,   apt-get(Synaptic),
RPM(YaSY),  Zen?,  SMART?)  and while all achieve  the  same
task,  they  do  so differently. Think of them as  the  many
different   installer   types  in  Windows   (zip   archive,
executable to self-(un)compress, InstallShield and a variety
of other tools one can find on CNET's download.com).

Certain   programs   have  a  script  (exectutable)   called
uninstall.  Try to find it. In other cases, all you need  to
do  is access your distribution's package manager and untick
the   undesired   program.  Some  say  that  owing  to   the
centralisation  of software package in a repository and  the
inclusion  in  this 'umbrella' that is the package  manager,
un/instalation  in GNU/Linux is very trivial and requires no
'leg work' or prior knowledge/reading.

Hope it helps,


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