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Re: NEWS://Begium goes ODF

  • Subject: Re: NEWS://Begium goes ODF
  • From: Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2006 05:03:58 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Road Runner High Speed Online http://www.rr.com
  • References: <sNKdnQP5QMM_mQHZnZ2dnUVZ_r-dnZ2d@speakeasy.net> <2129803.95SE7eyn61@schestowitz.com> <pan.2006.> <edutm3-53k.ln1@nomad.mishnet>
  • User-agent: Pan/0.14.2 (This is not a psychotic episode. It's a cleansing moment of clarity.)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1122577
On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 15:09:50 -0500, JEDIDIAH wrote:

> On 2006-06-23, Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 16:27:53 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> [deletia]
>>> It's happening faster than imagined, or faster than ODF gets
>>> implemented (properly). One nation at a time, openness is like a
>>> plague. There are dependencies in comminication, whether it is a
>>> language, a format, a realisation of principles or demand/envy from the
>>> public. Some other countries in Europe (other than Denmark) have
>>> considered similar steps, but have made no official statements, yet.
>>> The scandinavian are already opposing to iTunes monopoly and DRM.
>>> France likewise.
>> There is no iTunes monopoly.
> 	iTunes is a vertically integrated product that has the lion's share
> of the market. Part of that vertical integration is proprietary DRM.

Yes, and I play CDs burned from iTunes playlists on my home CD player and
car CD player.

> 	They have manufactured a network effect: purchased music can play on
> only one player. Sure there are hoops you can try and go through to get
> around this but in practice it is an effective barrier...

An effective barrier to what? You can buy DLed music from WalMart, you

> 	...no matter what the Apple appologists like to claim.

I highly doubt there's many "Apple apologists" in this group.


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