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Re: Is this group moderated?

  • Subject: Re: Is this group moderated?
  • From: Sinister Midget <phydeaux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 14:39:27 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Road Runner High Speed Online http://www.rr.com
  • References: <1150874209.946759.232900@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com> <0bgnm3-rlt.ln1@ridcully.fsnet.co.uk>
  • Reply-to: stutter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: slrn/ (Linux)
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1121752
On 2006-06-21, spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> ray.harwood@xxxxxxxxx did eloquently scribble:
>> If not, it should be.
> It's unmoderated, it was created unmoderated and it can't be switched to
> moderated. 
> By all means, submit the request for comp.os.linux.advocacy.moderated,
> but... Who would moderate it? 
> I recall the wintrolls talking about starting their own iinux advocacy
> moderated group where they'd delete anything that said linux was good, some
> time ago.

They haven't done it? Probably having trouble finding someone of tab's
caliber to set it up for them and act as moderator.

It's been so long since I had sex I've forgotten who ties up who.
  -- Joan Rivers

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