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AISE Stats: 21/02/2006-28/02/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of approximately 7 days
     and are automatically generated every Tuesday

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "AISE Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "AISE Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 673 messages written between 2006-02-21 00:40:16 and
2006-02-28 23:09:02

Quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Star Gazer <noone@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                3  84.03%
   2. Viper <venomx@xxxxxxxxx>                                     14  83.89%
   3. News <news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                  5  74.72%
   4. BT <yahoo@xxxxxxxxx>                                          5  74.33%
   5. IEDesigner <IEDesigner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      6  71.88%
   6. John <nospam@xxxxxxxxx>                                       9  70.67%
   7. Brian Wakem <no@xxxxxxxxx>                                    5  68.28%
   8. Brent Atkerson <brent.atkerson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        7  67.76%
   9. Windsun <wind-sun@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              3  66.69%
  10. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                             78  65.07%
  11. None <none@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                      4  62.75%
  12. lesjkajski <frits&freddy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     7  58.92%
  13. Jez <j.ez@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         3  57.30%
  14. Ian Harris <websolutions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   3  55.60%
  15. Blinky the Shark <no.spam@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        3  55.50%

A total of 701000 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 334878,
or 47.77%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Big Bill <kruse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     78    83142  65.1%
   2. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         64   121911  46.6%
   3. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>                54    73594  36.1%
   4. Borek <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   50    32069  44.9%
   5. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>                      47    67162  51.9%
   6. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   41    44738  55.0%
   7. John Bokma <john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    23    16357  40.7%
   8. James Helliwell <james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>               20    16947  53.0%
   9. Andrew Heenan <andrew4@xxxxxxxxxx>                   18    14492  24.3%
  10. Viper <venomx@xxxxxxxxx>                             14     6835  83.9%
  11. Greg N. <yodel_dodel@xxxxxxxxx>                      12     7060  35.4%
  12. John <nospam@xxxxxxxxx>                               9    21872  70.7%
      robert blake <4444D@xxxxxxxxx>                        9     6141  53.7%
      TechnoHippie <technohippiechick@xxxxxxxxx>            9     5809  27.7%
      Simon <spambucket@xxxxxxxxxxx>                        9     3824  53.1%

A total of 103 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. bendahara danial <bendahara06@xxxxxxxxx>     9028 /    3 =  3009
   2. catherine yronwode <cat@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>       3702 /    3 =  1234  48.6%
   3. hug <contact_info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          8301 /    7 =  1185  30.3%
   4. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 65059 /   64 =  1016  46.6%
   5. canadafred <canadian_web@xxxxxxxxxxx>       47014 /   54 =   870  36.1%
   6. John <nospam@xxxxxxxxx>                      6415 /    9 =   712  70.7%
   7. Chris S. <google@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        3496 /    5 =   699  16.6%
   8. Paul B <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx>             32315 /   47 =   687  51.9%
   9. Eric Johnston <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       3344 /    5 =   668  50.9%
  10. Andrew Heenan <andrew4@xxxxxxxxxx>          10964 /   18 =   609  24.3%
  11. Andrew Gibson <sample@xxxxxxxxxx>            1787 /    3 =   595  23.1%
  12. Will <not.me@xxxxxx>                         2213 /    4 =   553  52.6%
  13. Brent Atkerson <brent.atkerson@anrodscreen.  3632 /    7 =   518  67.8%
  14. BT <yahoo@xxxxxxxxx>                         2564 /    5 =   512  74.3%
  15. Stacey <Remove-the-Y-stacey@staceyssimplest 20118 /   41 =   490  55.0%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. New directory for webmasters/SEO                             70   45295
   2. Advice                                                       46   65504
   3. Making money with AdSense                                    35   27642
   4. Text higher in html, can I do better?                        29   36927
   5. (OT) Do Know Evil?                                           24   36247
   6. Title attribute in link                                      22   46684
      Google "link:" questions ?                                   22   20064
   8. Banned from Google or something wrong                        18   31439
   9. [OT] Ping John - Odd Comment Spam                            16   13626
  10. Page Wank                                                    14   19601
      [OT] Googleplex Life                                         14    5938
  12. PR0??                                                        13   11563
  13. advice wanted                                                12    9597
  14. Website is not ranking while work done very good             11    9846
  15. Website jumping back and forward in Google                   10   11784

A total of 92 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. Microsoft Outlook Express             204
       6.00.2600.0000:2 6.00.2741.2600:5 6.00.2800.1158:11 6.00.2800.1409:2
6.00.2800.1506:7 6.00.2900.2180:24 6.00.2900.2527:20 6.00.2900.2670:133
   2. Forte Agent                           133
       1.7/32.534:78 1.8/32.553:7 1.91/32.564:47 2.0/32.652:1
   3. G2                                     85
   4. KNode                                  69
       0.7.2:64 0.8.2:5
   5. Opera M2/8.50                          50
   6. Xnews                                  42
       06.12.01:1 2005.10.18:32 5.04.25:9
   7. Thunderbird 1.5                        22
   8. Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3              12
   9. MesNews                                 7
      Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7               7
  11. MicroPlanet-Gravity                     4
      Mozilla                                 4
      Opera M2/8.52                           4
  14. MicroPlanet Gravity                     3
      Pan                                     3

A total of 23 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       66 **************************
Tuesday     144 **********************************************************
Wednesday   120 ************************************************
Thursday    147 ************************************************************
Friday       88 ***********************************
Saturday     65 **************************
Sunday       43 *****************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059    24 ******************************
0100-0159     2 **
0200-0259    14 *****************
0300-0359    21 **************************
0400-0459    11 *************
0500-0559     5 ******
0600-0659    20 *************************
0700-0759    21 **************************
0800-0859    24 ******************************
0900-0959    39 ************************************************
1000-1059    30 *************************************
1100-1159    48 ************************************************************
1200-1259    35 *******************************************
1300-1359    43 *****************************************************
1400-1459    29 ************************************
1500-1559    36 *********************************************
1600-1659    35 *******************************************
1700-1759    35 *******************************************
1800-1859    39 ************************************************
1900-1959    32 ****************************************
2000-2059    46 *********************************************************
2100-2159    35 *******************************************
2200-2259    25 *******************************
2300-2359    24 ******************************


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