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Re: Microsoft on MSN Search

__/ [ Andrew Heenan ] on Thursday 02 March 2006 11:58 \__

> "canadafred" wrote ...
>>> "Holloway said Microsoft has no plans to integrate its search engine into
>>> Vista, the new Microsoft Windows operating system set to replace Windows
>>> XP later this year or early next year."
>> Sh't. I was kind of hoping they'd take a run at Google with integrating
>> MSN Search into the next O/S update.
> They'd be in court forever; they've only just settled various EU cases
> about forcing IE on people, without starting over on MSN Search - and
> (unlike WordPerfect and Netscape), Google would not take it lying down.
> Nice to see M$ is still learning ;o)

Yes, learning to develop a search engine "twice as good" (as Google). That's
the way they phrased it anyway...

This could turn out to be another case where a poorer product is imposed on
many people. Take for instance the fact the most people still use Internet
Explorer for their Web surfing. If it had to face competition and be
downloaded separately, people would have opted for something else.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Anonymity - established 2001, Google Groups
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