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Re: Ellison: OSS Needs Big Vendor to Thrive

__/ [ John Bailo ] on Friday 03 March 2006 18:31 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> | "Open-source becomes successful when major industrial corporations
>> | invest heavily in that open-source project," Ellison said at a Tokyo
>> | news conference. "Every open-source product that has become tremendously
>> | successful became successful because of huge dollar investments from
>> | commercial IT operations like IBM, Intel, Oracle and others," he said.
> Right.
> That's why he's been trying to buy up every major open source db vendor
> since they're cutting into Oracle's markets.

MySQL/PostgreSQL will catch up and take over, in due time. Oracle could not
'eliminate' them. I ought to point out that thousands of Oracle personnel
lost their job recently and the ol' saying goes: "if you can't beat them,
join them". Ellison tries to put a different spin to it, suggesting that
acquisition of Open Source companies is an adoption rather than elimination
through takeover.

Many of us have come to grips with the migration of systems to the Web. What
you often find is that Open Source CMS's gain strength because they are
powerful and affordable. This is a daunting observation to commercial
database vendors, which much like Microsoft, fail to accept the trend,
namely a Webward migration.

That's just my personal take on the scenario at hand.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | HTML is for page layout, not for textual messages
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