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Re: One Linux Box, 6 Users

__/ [ Sinister Midget ] on Sunday 05 March 2006 14:48 \__

> On 2006-03-05, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted
> something concerning:
>> http://linuxgazette.net/124/smith.html
>> To be fair, I have come across similar setups with Windows.
> I'm trying to work something like this out so Sinister Jr can have
> linux/Mac via a KVM box.
> I found another link to similar methods described by the page, but I
> didn't try it yet. That one sounded mostly like he was still working
> out the details and hadn't solved a couple of problems.
> I did a quick test with Userful* and got it to bring up _a_ video
> signal on the other end, but the keyboards were hosed (a simple fix,
> I'm sure) and the video didn't actually show a desktop, but it did show
> a pointer that was also controlled from the wrong location (another
> easy fix).
> I gave up on trying for a time because my Mepis install isn't using any
> swap and it's causing a few crashes. I haven't been able to figure out
> why yet, so the other project is on hold until that one is fixed.
> The above link sounds like more work than Userful, but it's more
> detailed in ways that aren't spelled out by Userful or the other link I
> found. So once I get the swap problem solved I'll begin trying this
> link to see what happenes.
> * http://userful.com/products/multi-station-how-it-works
There are *ten* midgets?!?! I thought there were only 8. Good link

I ought to point out that brand new Linux boxes are sold for just over GBP
100, peripherals included. A flat screen would have entail a similar cost,
but I guess there are tradeoffs like power consumption, memory/speed,
portability, etc.

I once used a Windows settings as such at Surrey University. The display was
very coarse, the connection speed was outrageous and all in all, it was

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Prevalence does not imply ideali$M
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