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Re: "Windows Is A Legacy OS"

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

__/ [ Sinister Midget ] on Sunday 12 March 2006 13:17 \__

On 2006-03-12, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted
something concerning:


I don't think I've seen "lousy" spelled quite like that before.

People don't need to start worrying. They'll still be able to run linux
on the new Macs.

Sheesh! Why would *anybody* pay extra to get Crapple-blessed hardware
just to screw it up (more?) by running Fisted on it? The mind boggles!

It's a good way of making faces of Macheads go red. So I hear...

LOL!! I enjoy reading their rather retarded comments about "Ain't gonna happen!"

-- Where are we going? And why am I in this handbasket?

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