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Re: Linux gains scalable open source IPC software

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Roy Culley ] on Wednesday 15 March 2006 00:58 \__
>> http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS8986036134.html
>>     Number two telecom OS provider Enea will release its direct,
>>     asynchronous message-passing software for distributed systems
>>     under an open source license in June. Described as the
>>     "cornerstone" of Enea's telecom RTOSes, the "Linx" IPC
>>     (inter-process communications) software scales better than other
>>     freely available IPC technologies, such as TIPC (transparent IPC)
>>     and Unix sockets, Enea claims.
>>     Enea describes Linx as "transparent," meaning that software
>>     processes distributed across various interconnected, heterogeneous
>>     systems can communicate as if they were running on the same
>>     processor. Such transparency simplifies application development,
>>     the company says, and allows scalability through hardware
>>     additions, without requiring application code changes.
> Applications  in  Linux  (as well as porting) is one area that  I  abstain
> posting  to the newsroup about, yet it's nice to see change. It's  usually
> right  before my eyes, but there is something boring about it, which would
> not promote discussion.
> There  are  many vendors whom I read about, whose products are  made  Open
> Source.  I think it touches the aspect of advocacy slightly less than more
> bureaucratic  items.  However, no doubt there are Open Source  equivalents
> for merely anything. Where gaps exist, they soon get filled because indus-
> try see potential in early penetration.
> Routers  and  VoIP are some of the latest items to be seeing  Open  Source
> abundance. Imagine a world where all communication is Open (inter- and in-
> tra-application).

The possibility of further competing standards in the open-source world
is tantalising, though - it means that lock-in is unlikely to result
from going with one or the other, so serves to create a more open and
dynamic development environment.  For those of us who are working on
defining how to manage such systems with economic scaling, this kind of
news is very interesting indeed.

Surely routers have been open-source since Linux and BSD saw the light
of day?  Or do you mean that some vendors are going overtly open?

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
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