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Re: Gates Mocks $100 Linux Laptop

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Edwin ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 16:38 \__
> >
> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> >> All news from the past 10 hours.
> >>
> >> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060316/tc_nm/microsoft_gates_dc
> >>
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates on Wednesday mocked a
> >> | $100 laptop computer for developing countries being developed with the
> >> | backing of rival Google Inc. at the Massachusetts Institute of
> >> | Technology.
> >> `----
> >
> > I would agree with him.    The whole idea is ill-founded.   The people
> > who this is targeted spend their lives in a bare sustenance economy.
> > How is a stripped down laptop computer, with no Internet connection,
> > and no software library, going to improve their lives?  They'll most
> > likely just sell the laptops as soon as they get them.
> The computers will be connected to a gateway using a peer-to-peer setting.
> Given enough such laptops, the signal will propagate.

They will have a slow peer-to-peer network that will barely support

> They will have KDE
> with plenty of software (Red Hat-based if I recall correctly).

For laptops with no hard drive and a small amount of memory?

> You seem to
> be misinformed about this.

Do I?   Please point out how I am.

The poor people these computers are intended for have far more dire
needs than helping Linux to win an OS war.   For shame that any
advocate of any OS would try to further their advocacy by riding on the
backs of the destitute.

> >> It gets worse:
> >>
> >> http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060316/ap_on_hi_te/microsoft_gates
> >>
> >> ,----[ Quote ]
> >> | Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates sketched out a vision for the future
> >> | Wednesday in which a cell phone will become a "digital wallet," able
> >> | to receive e-mail and even scan business cards, while computers and
> >> | TVs will merge.
> >
> > How is this "worse?"
> >
> > [snip]
> Further infiltration. Gates intends to take control of the living room (home
> entertainment), as well as telephony; among many other things. Microsoft
> Bank, anybody? As always, lockins and dependencies are involved, though it
> will never become successful.

The way I read the above is that your hatred and paranoia makes you
resent Microsoft for adopting to diverging technology instead of just
going out of business.


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