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Re: Do you SQL

__/ [ William Tasso ] on Friday 17 March 2006 17:49 \__

> Greetings
> Now what do you suppose might be the most appropriate data type for
> storing an IP-Address?
> Thoughts (considered and/or random) most welsome.
> Cheers

IP addresses are essentially bits, but to use some abstracting, go with
numbers. Strings will not allow you to manipulate the data much (unless
converted to numbers, which needs string validation). For example, think of
operations like "find all IP address on the same subnet (e.g. C-block).

Also remember IPv6, so leave enough space for that. Look at existing systems
for inspiration. WordPress is the only one which I am sufficiently familiar
with. I have just run phpMyAdmin. WordPress stores IP addresses as follows:

Field                   Attributes      Null
comment_author_IP       varchar(100)    No               

You are very welsome (sic) *smile*,


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