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Re: At number 1 position in an Over Night

__/ [ Parvez ] on Saturday 18 March 2006 12:51 \__

[Pardon my sarcasm.]

> Dear SEOs

Since when does the "O" stand for Optimisers? We would gladly take CEO's

> Optimizing your site for your targeted key phrases won't get you to
> number 1 positon over night. You won't find all your keywords rankings
> in the top 10 on Google in just a few days, nor will you get
> significant traffic improvement at the snap of the fingers. To use a
> simple analogy, SEO is like boiling water: you don't get a hard boil
> the moment you turn on the burner, you have to wait for it.

Actually, here at the School we have an always-on boiler, so I can grab
myself 3 cups of coffee within 40 seconds. *grin*

Analogies don't always sell, let alone preposterous argument that make number
1 position seem like child's play. Unless, of course, the SERP is "iwau4g 37
sui d87wqtd csu ghc v".

> The process of optimizing a site or just specific pages in a site can
> take weeks, and that's just the initial optimization phase. In a
> previous article I wrote about the making of a perfect SEO firm,
> highlighting all the different jobs that an SEO firm must perform for
> the optimization process.

...And? This seems like an incomplete paragraph.

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