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Re: How can I "include" an HTML file from another server?

__/ [ Penguiniator ] on Saturday 18 March 2006 19:42 \__

> indessen@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> got the following problem: I want to include some code in an
>> HTML page so that at a particular place, it fetches another
>> HTML file from another server and puts it in. Reason for this
>> is that this space keeps changing. The original HTML runs on an
>> eBay server, i.e. I cant place the second file on their server.
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/present/frames.html#edef-IFRAME
> <IFRAME src="foo.html" width="400" height="500"
>              scrolling="auto" frameborder="1">
>   [Your user agent does not support frames or is currently
> configured
>   not to display frames. However, you may visit
>   <A href="foo.html">the related document.</A>]
>   </IFRAME>

Thanks, Penguiniator. I wanted to do this 6 months ago, but the folks in
alt.html made no such suggestion.

In case you are curious, http://www.schestowitz.com/introduction.htm (see 2
iframes at the bottom).

Best wishes,


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