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Re: can't connect to desktop

__/ [ Briggs ] on Saturday 18 March 2006 02:38 \__

> I have a Palm m505 that I haven't used in a few months.  It went dead
> (battery life is really short, even if not used) and lost all the files.
>   I charged it and reset it, but it won't connect to my computer.  Since
> I last used it, I've changed from a Mac G3/OS9 to a new iMac, OSX, but
> installed the files off the G3 into the Classic 9 part of the iMac.
> Suggestions?

One test to try is synchronisation with somebody else's computer. Ensure the
unit itself is able to communicate with /a/ desktop or laptop. If all is
fine, assume a port issue. The O/S anomalies should not be an issue. If you
have done these initial tests, please return to this newsgroup and report on
the outcome. I'd be glad to help further. *smile*

Best wishes,


PS - I suggest you post to one of the higher-volume Palm-related newsgroups.
Not many people will have read this.

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