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Re: Does this video play for you?

__/ [ Gallows Cheater ] on Sunday 19 March 2006 20:15 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Michael Goerz ] on Thursday 16 March 2006 01:56 \__
>>> Gallows Cheater wrote:
>>>> I don't have problems with other videos.  Is this one specially
>>>> encrypted or something?
>>>> http://vho.org/dl/ENG/DavidColeatAuschwitz.wmv
>>> Plays fine for me with mplayer
>> You will need to get the w32 decoders. It's a Microsoft Windows Media
>> Player format, which uses a codec that's downloadable and easily
>> installable for mplayer (among other media player). Try searching for the
>> required DLL. Also see the following:
>> http://waxborg.servepics.com/English/Linux/susemultimedia.en.html
>> Some formats are not included in the core of SuSE for legal reasons, I
>> imagine. This would definitely be the case with WMV.
>> Hope it helps,
>> Roy
> I don't need that to play any other videos.  Why should I need it for this
> one?

Given the nature of the site, I should have not even helped you in the first

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Have you compiled your kernel today?"
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