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Re: Google & Meta Data

  • Subject: Re: Google & Meta Data
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 00:14:42 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <dvn3fj$irl$1$830fa17d@news.demon.co.uk> <488iviFj0u6tU1@individual.net> <op.s6qchuhy26l578@borek> <488jpfFheq9tU1@individual.net>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ tonnie ] on Monday 20 March 2006 21:05 \__

> Borek wrote:
>> On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 21:52:02 +0100, tonnie <t.prasing@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> I keep coming across references which indicate that Google "couldn't
>>>> care less" about Meta Descriptions or Meta Keywords.
>>>>  Therefore, if I design a site which only uses page titles, and
>>>> doesn't  even have meta description / meta keywords, will Google
>>>> penalise it?   Or is it still best practice to use them?  Any idea of
>>>> how many words  in each?

No penalty unless misused, I believe; Best practice is probably to spend time
on content rather than invisible information that is bound to the page and
contributes little or nothing. Key pages might be the exception. A 'healthy'
amount of content would fit in a single line and require no wrapping or
horizontal scrolling. Think about how this would seem if they appeared among
the visible text.

>>> About meta keywords: Don't just look at what others say or don't say.
>>> Use about 10 to 15 keywords, words that *are* on the page.
>>> Google uses the description (if there is one) to show if the word or
>>> phrase that was searched for is in it.

Yes, I believe that "description" is the most (if the the only) important

>> Not always and - as usual - rules are known only to G. But it happens
>> often enough to make description preparation worthy. Try to make it
>> catchy, it may help in getting clicks even if you are not first in SERPs.
> No, if the searched word or phrase is in the description, then Google
> will use it. The only case in which it does not is if there is an update
> / or synchronising their databases.
> If the meta-description does not contain the word or does not exist, and
> you are listed in DMOZ and the description there has the keyword, Google
> will take that as a description.
> If for some reason both are not available or does not contain the
> searched word, Google will pick a short piece of the text on your site
> and shows that.

This leaves place for the following argument: does the description override
or supersede some of the on-page content and thus should reflect on the text
effectively enough? Could it actually detract from the text and degrade

>>> And no, Google does not penalise you for using them, if you use them
>>> in  the proper way.
>> This is answer for the non-posted question :) But answer for the posted
>> question is identical - Google will not penalize you for lack of meta
>> description and keywords :)

I think I once heard about penalties -- these which badly affect the site is
meta is misused and carries a lot of the weight (volume) in the page.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "No, I didn't buy that from eBay"
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