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Re: Internet Explorer Separated from Windows Explorer

__/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Thursday 23 March 2006 17:09 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Ray Ingles ] on Wednesday 22 March 2006 13:36 \__
>> > On 2006-03-22, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> No, it's not intended to open competition and facilitate uninstallation
>> >> of IE. It is security-driven.
>> >
>> >  I'm shocked that integrating a web browser deep into the operating
>> > system can be thought of as a security problem! Shocked!
>> More latterly, they integrated RSS (or feeds largely) into the Vista
>> kernel. This was mentioned by Scoble almost a year ago. I guess we shall
>> soon find out why they call it "Atom".
> Where did you read that RSS/feeds were integrated into the Vista
> kernel? I find this rather surprising given that Vista intentionally
> removes components (like GDI) out of the kernel.

As far as I can recall, Scoble said that very long ago when they were working
on Longhorn and, later that month, Slashdot alluded to the fact. You can
imagine the hilarity among the discussion (Slashdot comments).

> I Googled for this and found nothing. There are several mentions that
> Vista will have API's to natively support things like RSS but it
> mentions nothing of this taking place within the kernel. (ie - There's
> an API to create a dialog box but that doesn't mean it's implemented in
> the kernel.)

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