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Re: Microsoft: Schools Fail to Teach Computing

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Sunday 26 March 2006 21:50 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> __/ [ 7 ] on Friday 24 March 2006 19:17 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | Schools and colleges are failing the next generation of scientists by
>>>> | not providing the computer skills they need to do the job, according
>>>> | to the scientists behind Microsoft Research's 2020 report.
>>>> `----
>>>> I will avoid flaming by making the remarks one begs for.
>>> Hmmm...
>> Actually, what I had in mind is the recurring criticism. Namely, schools
>> that teach students how to use packages like Photoshop and Office. In my
>> brother's school, they actually taught them ASP in Computer Science
>> classes. I protested to him, but being just 16 at the time, he was too
>> young to have his voice count among seniors whose knowledge is bound to
>> nothing but Windows (and possible an MSCE qualification).
> I was interviewing graduates recently, potential employees.  We have a
> /very/ stringent recruitment system with all kinds of tests/exams/sats,
> psychological profiling and so on... but... the chap I was talking to
> was a comp sci/spanish graduate from a well respected uni here.  In
> chatting for a while, it turned out that his final year project was
> written for Windows.  No particular problem with that, but a vague alarm
> bell was ringing, so I asked him to tell me, briefly, how Unix differs
> from Windows.  He couldn't answer the question in any meaningful way at
> all.  Indeed, he went on to explain that his whole course had been
> focussed on Windows.  That doesn't sound like comp sci to me...
> The phsychologist I was interviewing with asked me if the question
> was a bit too detailed for someone who had a degree, until I
> explained...
> Needless to say, he wasn't employed.

Intersting story, Mark. I have encountered similar scenarios -- often ones
that involve colleagues whose research code is locked in to one vendor
(guess which one?). I have grown tired of repeating my arguments because it 
only seem to drain time; nothing more. Even if eventually fruitful, I rarely
think such efforts are worth the investment. The common denominator is that
all such individuals were born and raised on Windows environments. They know
nothing else; both from a technical aspect and philosophical aspects, too.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> sudo root; cd /; rm -rf *.doc
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