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Re: Microsoft on the slippery slope?

On 2006-03-30, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Microsoft are changing. In fact, they has already done so by moving to We-
> b-based services (notably Live which will incorporate Live Office Applica-
> tions).  Thus  far, Microsoft are not doing well.

 In general, I agree. See my .sig, for example. I don't think Microsoft
(or GM) will vanish, but what survives won't look much like their former

> Bill Gates has  said  on
> various  occasions that services are the future, indirectly implying  that
> he  hasn't much trust in the prospects of Windows, Office and the rest  of
> the flagships.

 That's long-term, though. For the next few years Windows and Office
will continue to be the core of their business, and the main reason
anyone considers buying from them at all.


 Ray Ingles                                         (313) 227-2317

 "Choice, flexibility and cost are really the driving factors [for
 Linux adoption]. And Microsoft would have to stop being Microsoft
          to ever compete with that combination." - emkey

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