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Re: Software to transform content

__/ [ Big Bill ] on Monday 01 May 2006 14:45 \__

> On Mon, 01 May 2006 09:47:44 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>__/ [ schoenfeld1@xxxxxxxxx ] on Monday 01 May 2006 09:23 \__
>>> Anyone know of any software which transforms content? I would like to
>>> transform (rewording, etc) public domain content and post it on my
>>> site.
> My answer's better!

Did I offer an answer at all? *smile*

__/ [ Big Bill ] on Monday 01 May 2006 14:45 \__

> On Mon, 01 May 2006 11:15:57 +0200, Borek
> <m.borkowski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>On Mon, 01 May 2006 10:23:13 +0200, <schoenfeld1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Anyone know of any software which transforms content? I would like to
>>> transform (rewording, etc) public domain content and post it on my
>>> site.
>>Ask Dave, that's more or less what he did on his classic literature site.
> Actually it isn't because he didn't re-write any of it, he just
> slapped it in as is. CARP, I think, can do that. This guy's looking
> for something that'll render the original material with the same
> meaning overall but worded differently so it won't get duplicate
> penalties, the Holy Grail for Adsense sites. They're working on it!
> Now go find an affiliate forum and ask there.

Yes, it's a good answer. It reminds me of some of the ideas expressed in:


There was also an article on the WSJ (couldn't find the link) where the
author investigated the 'black market' of plagiarised content. In this story
he outlines, he gets paid to artifically join a collection of scraped
content. He competes with people in the East and gets paid a ridiculous wage
for this text stitching chore. The stolen content becomes hard to identify,
even with tools like copyscape, I imagine.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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