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Re: [News] Vista May See a FURTHER 3-Month Delay

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Tue, 02 May 2006 20:22:34 +0100
> News just in:
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060502/tc_nm/microsoft_vista_dc
> Microsoft may delay Windows Vista again -- Gartner
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp.'s long- awaited release of the upgrade
> | to its flagship Windows operating system will likely be delayed again by
> | at least three months, research group Gartner Inc. said on Tuesday.
> `----

OK, who coded up the new virus? :-)  C'mon, fess up... :-)

On a more serious note: the longer Microsoft delays
on Vista, the more likely it will turn into Mista, and
hopefully Linux can translate the fog surrounding this
update (Fog, Unvisibility, Drizzle?) into real sales,
or at least real installs.

This isn't quite at stupid yet but it's getting close.

    Brain-Damage-O-Meter (patent sort of pending)

    Don't even *try* to think about it; your brain will melt
    Mind-numbingly stupid
    Brain-dead and should have been shot as an idea in its formation
    Idiotic to the point of requiring a straitjacket
    Absolutely barking mad
    Quite moronic       ^
       |                |
    Thorougly daft      * government intervention required beyond this point
    Brain-damaged       ^
       |                |
    Pointy-haired       * corporate insurance required beyond this point
    Bonkers             ^
       |                |
    Stupid              * Flying Circus General required beyond this point
    This is a joke, right?
    Silly          <<<--------------------
    Head scratcher
    Gosh why didn't I think of that??
    Genius!  Sheer, unadulterated genius!

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because it's time to refresh your hardware.  Trust us.

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